Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
shall be one day assembled before him; he promised with truth, that he will cause men to dye, and raise them again, to recompence such as have believed in his Law, and done good works: The unbelievers shall drink a boyling drinke, and shall endure great torments, because of their impiety. He it is that gave light to the Sunne, and brightness to the Moone, that created the signes to know the number of years, the account of moneths, and of whatsoever he hath created, these things teach with truth, the miracles of his divine Majesty, to such as have knowledge to understand them; the difference of day and of night, and what God hath created in Heaven and in Earth, are marks of his unity to them that have his fear before their eyes. They who believe there is no resurrection, such as place their content in the wealth of this world, they that trust in their riches, and that are ignorant of the commandments of God shall be precipitated into the fire of Hell, because of their sinnes, and the True-believers shall be conducted by his divine Majesty into delicious gardens, wherein flow many rivers, they shall there finde whatsoever they shall desire, and shall say at the beginning of their prayers, praysed be God; afterwards they shall say, Salvation be to God; and at the end of their prayers, prayse be to God, Lord of the Universe. Although God doth sometimes suddenly chastise men, he always attendeth the time of their Destiny. I will leave them that shall not believe in the Resurrection, in their errors, to their confusion; When man is afflicted, he invoketh us standing, sitting, lying, and in all postures, and when we have delivered him from his affliction, he persisteth in his wickedness. It seemeth good to the wicked to do in this manner, we destroyed their Predecessors when they believed not in the Prophets, neither obeyed the precepts that we sent them, and have established you on the Earth in their place after them, to see your deportments. When thou teachest our commandments to them that believe not in the Resurrection; they say, that the precepts of the Alcoran are altogether contrary to what thou preachest, and that thou hast altered them; Say unto them, I have no will to alter them of my selfe, I do but what is