Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
of uncleanness, Hell shall be their habitation, where they shall be tormented for their crimes. They shall beseech you to love them; if you love them, know, that God abhorreth them that disobey him: The Arabians, who observe not the precepts which God hath sent to his Prophet; are ye more impious and ingrateful? God knoweth all things, and is most prudent. There be Persons among the Arabians, who account it lost money that they expend for the Service of God, and protract their departure, to retard yours, and make you to attend; the wheel of misery is upon them, God understandeth what ever they say, and knoweth all their actions; there be among them who believe in God, and the day of Judgment; they esteem that their expence for the Service of God draweth them nigh to his divine Majestie, and they invite the Prophet to pray for them, God shall give them his mercy, he is gracious and mercifull to them that obey him. They that first arrived at Medina, the first of them that went out of Mecca, to depart from the wicked, such as were at the battell of Beder, and such as imitated them in well doing, shall injoy the grace of God, he hath prepared for them gardens, wherein flow many rivers, with supreme felicity. There be Arabians about you, and in Medina, they affect impietie; you know them not, but I know them all, I will chastise them twice on earth, (to wit, through Ignominy and death) and they shall feel in the other world exceeding great torments. Others there be, that confess their sins, and who do good and evill works; peradventure God will pardon them, he is altogether gracious and mercifull; take of their substance for alms, thou shalt render them righteous, and shalt purifie them, pray for them, thy prayers shall procure them the mercy of God, he understandeth and knoweth all things. Know they not, that God accepteth the conversion of his Creatures, that their almes are pleasing to him, and that he is gracious and mercifull? Say unto them, do what shall please you; God, his Prophet, and the True-believers shall see what you do, you shall one day appear before him, who knoweth the present, past, and future; he shall make you to know whatsoever ye have