Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
abundance of their wealth, nor the number of their children, God will make use of them, to chastise them in this world, and will destroy them in their impiety. When command was sent to them to believe in God, and fight with his Prophet, the most powerfull among them desired thee to excuse them, and said, leave us with them that continue in their houses, and desire to remain with the sick, the women and little children: God hardened their hearts, and they shall never learn the truth. The Prophet and true believers that were with them, and fought, and employed their persons, and goods for the Service of God, shall be blessed; he hath prepared for them gardens, wherein flow many rivers, with perfection of felicity. Some of the Arabians came to excuse themselves of going to the war, and such as renounced God and the Prophet, remained in their houses, but they shall resent grievous torments, because of their wickedness; the sick, the impotent, and those that want means to be present at the war, offend not God in abiding in their houses, provided they be faithfull to his divine Majestie, and his Prophet. The righteous are not obliged to do but what is in their power, God shall be to them gracious and merciful. Such as repaired to thee to fight, and whom thou didst dismiss for want of occasion, did not offend God; they returned to their houses with tears in their eyes, with discontent to have wanted means to employ in the Service of his divine Majesty, the war is appointed to such as intreat thee to exempt them that are rich, and have wealth to subsist, they require leave to remain with their wives and children, God hath hardned their hearts, and they know it not; they shall come to excuse themselves, when thou shalt meet them; Say unto them, excuse not your selves, I do not believe you, God hath given us to understand your News, he and his Prophet likewise hath rendred your good works vaine and unprofitable; ye shall one day appear before him that knoweth what is past, present, and future, he shall cause you to remember whatsoever you have done, and shall punish you according to your demerits. They shall conjure you by the name of God, when you approach them, to depart from them; depart from them, they are full of
Benou, Mocren.