Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
persons; if good happen to you, they are discontented; if evill befall you, they say, they took heed to themselves, and foresaw it, and depart from you with joy; say unto them, nothing befell us, but what God had ordained, he is our Lord; all true believers are resigned to the will of his divine Majestie; say unto them, will ye expect, that one of the two graces (either victory, or martyrdom) befall us? we will expect with you, untill God hath chastised you by our hands; expect, we will expect with you: say unto them, expend through force or affection for the glory of God; your works shall not be accepted of him, because you are Infidels, your alms shall be unprofitable, for that you believe not in God, nor in his Prophet; ye praise not God, but with negligence, and with regret for what you spend for his service. Be not then amazed at the quantity of their treasures, neither the number of their children; God shall make use of them to punish them in this world, and shall destroy them with their wickedness. They swear by the name of God, that they are yours, and are not, and fear to be discovered; if they meet with any Den, Cave, or House, wherein to hide them, they speedily repaire thither. There be of them that say, it is ignominious to give alms; if they give alms it is with choler; if they gave them for the love of God and his Prophet, they would say, God is our benefactor; he will give us through his grace, and to the Prophet, whatsoever shall be necessary, our hope is in him. Alms are appointed for the poor, for them that recommend themselves to God, to redeem Slaves, for such as are in debt, and necessitous, God knoweth all things, and is most prudent in what he ordaineth. There be among them, who deprave the Prophet, and say, he shall understand what we say; say unto them, should it be to you a great advantage to hear well? The Prophet believeth in God, and teacheth true believers the Truth; the mercy of God is for them that believe in his divine Majesty; Such as detract from the Prophet, shall feel grievous torments; they swear by the Name of God, that they desire to content God, and his Prophet; it is reasonable that they content them, if they be good men; know they not, that such as transgress the Will of God,
See Gelaldin.