Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
God, and that of his Prophet, shall be eternally damned? The wicked fear lest God should discover to the righteous the malice that they conceal in their souls, and that they contemne them; Say unto them, ye shall be contemned, for God bringeth to light what you feare. If you question them concerning what they say, they will answer for excuse, that they had no evill intent, and that they but jeast; say unto them, will you jeast with God, with his Commandments, and his Prophets? There is none excuse for you, ye are truely impious; if God pardon any one of you, he shall rigorously punish such as persist to offend him. The wicked teach among them impiety to their posterity, they depart from the truth; they go hand in hand, and agree to disobey God; they forget God, and God forgetteth them; he hath prepared hell for them, where they shall remain eternally; he hath cursed them, and they shall feel the torment of infinite pains. The wicked that were before you, shall undergo them like you, they were more powerfull than you, they possessed store of wealth, and had many children, they possessed part of their substance, and ye possess yours, as did your predecessors; ye were plunged in impiety, as they were plunged; but the good works that they have done in this world, shall be to them unprofitable, and at the day of Judgment, they shall be in the number of the miserable. Have they not known the History of their Predecessors; the History of the people of Noah, of Aad, of Temod, of Abraham, and the cities that were subverted? The Prophets preached to them the Commandments of God, who did to them no injustice; they drew affliction on themselves, through the enormity of their crimes. The true believers mutually obey each other; they command to do what things are honest, prohibit to act what is not approved; they make their prayers at the time appointed, distribute tithes, obey God and his Prophet; God shall remit to them their sins, he is Omnipotent, and hath promised to them gardens, wherein flow many rivers, and an habitation full of content in Eden; he hath promised them his grace, which is the perfection of felicity. O Prophet! fight against the Infidels, fortifie thy self against them, hell shall be their habitation;