Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
and his Prophet hath forbidden, and that judge not according to the Law of truth, wherein they were instructed, who heretofore received the written Law: they chuse rather to pay Tribute, than to be converted, therefore are they contemptible. The Jews have said, that the Son of God is most powerfull; the Christians, that the Messiah is the Son of God; their words are like to the words of the Infidels that preceded them, but God shall lay upon them his curse. Consider how they blaspheme; they adore their Doctors, and Priests, and the Messiah also, the Son of Mary; who commanded them to worship one God alone, there is but one sole God: praised be God, there is nothing equall to him; they would extinguish the light of God with their mouth, but he shall not suffer them; he shall cause it appear, notwithstanding it be vexatious to the Infidels. He hath sent his Prophet to conduct men into the right way, to preach Law of Truth, and to make it eminent above all other Laws of the world, against the will of Idolaters. O ye that truly believe! many of the Doctors and Priests eate unprofitably the substance of the people, and divert them from the Law of God: declare to such as treasure up, and expend Nothing in pious works, they shall suffer great torments at the day when the fire of hell shall be kindled upon them, it shall burn their forehead, sides, and back, it shall be said to them, behold the wealth which ye have treasured up for your souls, tast the fruits of your treasures, which ye have amassed. When God created the heaven and the earth, he ordained the year of twelve moneths, amongst which four are priviledged. Offend not God, especially in those moneths; fight at all times against unbelievers, as they will fight against you, and know that God is with them that have his fear before their eyes. Sloath and forgetfulness abound in impiety; God misleadeth through negligence the unbelievers, that prefer one moneth to another, in imitation of what is commanded: they permit to do what God hath forbidden, and delight in the malice of their actions, but God is not the guide of the wicked. O ye that believe! wherefore have ye inclined to the earth? Why did ye prefer the wealth of this world to that of Paradise; when you were commanded