Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
appointed, pay Tithes, and worship one God alone, shall visit the Temples of his divine Majesty, and such as fear the creatures more than the Creator erre from the right way; We have ordained that such as shall bear fresh water to Pilgrims, and them that shall visit the Temple of Mecca, shall be in the number of them that believe in God, and the day of Judgment. Such as fight for the faith are not all equall in graces, and merits before God, he guideth not the unjust. Such as have believed in God, as have departed from the wicked, and employed their wealth and persons to fight for his Law, shall have a particular degree, and a particular place near to his divine Majestie, they shall be the more happy. God through his goodnesse declareth to them, that they shall enter into delicious gardens, where they shall remain eternally, there is with God a very great reward. Oh ye that believe! obey not your fathers, nor your brothers, that love rather to follow impiety, than the faith. Such as shall obey them, shall offend exceedingly; if your father, your children, your brothers, your wives, your parents, your friends, the wealth that you have gained, the fear of loosing your riches, and apprehension of poverty, have more of power over you than God and his Prophet, and hinder you to fight for the faith, the Commandment of God shall be executed against you, he guideth not the wicked, and hath protected you in many occasions. Remember the day of battell of Hanin, when ye rejoyced in the multitude of your men, it did not advantage you, fear made you finde the place too narrow for flight, and ye turned the back as vanquished: Remember, that God, at that time, put his Prophet, and the True-believers in a place of safety, and sent invisible Troops to chastise the Infidels, he pardoneth sinnes as seemeth good to him, he is gracious and mercifull. Oh ye that believe in God! Unbelievers are unclean, permit not that they enter into the Temple of Mecca after this year, if ye have apprehension of want, God shall enrich you with his grace, if it please him, he is omniscient and most prudent. Fight against them that believe not in God, nor the day of Judgment, that forbid not to act what God hath prohibited, and