Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
Infidels, their Predecessors disobeyed the Commandments of thy Lord; but we destroyed them because of their sinne, we drowned them for that they were unjust; The wicked are like to beasts, they shall never believe in God. Such as promised not to assist the unbelievers, and violated their promise, had not the feare of God before their eyes; if thou meet them in a journey, separate thy selfe from them, their punishment pursueth them, peradventure they will consider it. If you fear that any one will betray you, and be wanting to their word, receive no promise from him, neither promise him any thing, God abhorreth Traytors: Believe not that Infidels escape the punishment of God, returne with your whole strength to fight against them; the halters of your horses shall terrifie the enemies of God, and of you, and of other persons who ye know not, but God knoweth them all. Your expence for his service, shall be payed you, and no injustice shall be done to you; If thine enemies incline to peace, thou shalt do ill to incline, as they, trust in God, he understandeth what they say, and knoweth whatsoever they do; if they desire to betray thee, God shall protect thee; and all Truebelievers endeavour to unite their hearts; but although thou shouldst expend all the riches of the world, thou shalt not be able to unite them, God shall one day unite them, he is omnipotent, and prudent in all his works. Oh Prophet! the protection of God sufficeth thee, and the righteous that follow thee. Exhort the True-believers to fight against Infidels; If ye be twenty assembled with resolution and perseverance, ye shall vanquish two hundred Infidels; if ye be an hundred, ye shall overthrow a thousand, the unbelievers are ignorant; but God will lighten your burden, he knoweth your weaknesse; if ye be an hundred true believers, ye shall defeat two hundred Infidels; if ye be a thousand, you shall subdue two thousand by the permission of God, he aideth such as expect his succors with perseverance. The Prophet cannot be a prisoner, he shall establish himself on earth with advantage, over unbelievers; Ye desire the wealth of the earth, and God will give you the treasures of Heaven, he is omnipotent and wise.
See Kitab el tenoir.