Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
speedily executed, he shall destroy such as are wicked, having seen that battell, an evident signe of the true mission of the Prophet, and shall give life to True believers; he understandeth and knoweth all things, he caused you to see in a dream your enemies in a small number, had he made them to appear numerous, ye had feared to fight, but he delivered you from fear, he knoweth what is in the hearts of men: When he caused you to appear in their view, he made you seem few in number, to accomplish his will, all things depend on God. Oh ye that believe! make an Halt, when you are in view of your enemies Troops, and pray to God with affection, perhaps you shall be happy, obey God, and the Prophet, his Apostle; if disorder and terror surprise you, you shall loose your reputation; persevere, God is with them that continue to do well. Be not like them that went out of their houses with dissembled joy, and hypocrisie, and turn the people from the right way, God knoweth all their actions; The Devill caused them to finde pleasure in their doings, saying to them, none shall this day obtain victory over you, I will be with you; and when they beheld the two Camps in battalia, he returned on his steps, fled, and said, I am innocent of the evill that you commit, I * see what you see not, I fear the omnipotent God, he is severe in his punishments. The wicked, and such as were weak in their faith, speaking of the True believers, said, These men glory in their Law: It was replyed to them, he that relyeth on God, shall finde him to be more powerfull than his enemies, and that he is most prudent in whatsoever he doth. Thou sawest the Angels that slew the Infidels, they did beat them behinde and before, and said to them, taste the torments of the fire which you have merited, God is not unjust to his Creatures. The people of Pharaoh were Infidels, and those that preceded them, contemned the miracles and Commandments of God, but he rigorously chastised them, he is omnipotent, and most severe in his punishments, he shall destroy them that alter the graces he hath given to the people, untill they have altered the grace he hath conferred on themselves. Pharoahs people were Infidels,
* The Turks believe, that the Devill saw the Angels fight for Mahomet.