Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
way. There are some of the children of Israel that knew the truth, and judg with equity. We divided them into twelve Tribes, when Moses required drink for his people, we inspired him to strike the rock with his rod, whence flowed twelve fountains, and every one knew the place where he should drink; we covered them with the shadow of clouds; we caused Manna and Quails to descend upon them, and commanded them to eat of the good things which we gave them. They did not hurt us (when they murmured) but afflicted themselves. It was said to them, Dwell in this City, and eat therein what shall please you; enter at the gate with adoration, and beg pardon of your sins. I will pardon you, and will augment the graces of the righteous; nevertheless, the wicked that were among them, altered the words that were spoken to them, and perverted them; and we sent upon them our indignation from Heaven, because of their impiety. Ask of them concerning a village that was upon the shore of the Sea, whose inhabitants observed not the Sabbath, and fished on the day of rest; they saw in that day, Serpents appear upon the water, and other days they saw none. Thus are tryed them, because of their disobedience: A party of them said, Fish not O People, it is lost labour; God shall destroy and chastise them with grievous torments, then their Doctors said, They shall implore pardon of the Lord, perhaps they will fear to offend him another time. When they rejected what we taught them; we saved such among them as abstained from evil-doing, and grievously afflicted the wicked, because of their disobedience; when they gloried in their sin, we said to them, Be ye contemned, and abhorred as Apes; thy Lord shall send to them at the day of Judgment, persons to torment them; he is exact in punishing the wicked, and merciful to the righteous. We sent upon them good and evil, to prove them, peradventure they will be converted. Their posterity left a progeny, heirs of their doctrine; nevertheless, they returned to their sins, and say, the Lord shall pardon them; they beg pardon of him, and return daily to their sin: Shall not account be required from them, of what is ordained in the Scripture? To wit,
This is the Holy Land. See Gelaldin.
See Gelaldin.