Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
replyed, God will not destroy your enemies, to leave you alone upon the Earth, he shall behold your actions. We afflicted Pharaoh and his Subjects with famine, perhaps unbelievers will consider it. When any happinesse befell them, they said, they well deserved it, and when they fell into misery, they affirmed Moses and his people to be the cause of it; It is God that punished them, but of this most of them were ignorant. They said unto Moses, cease to shew us thy miracles to inchant us, we will not obey thee: We sent upon them a Deluge, Grass-hoppers, Lice, Frogs, and Bloud, one after another; neverthelesse they were proud, and in the number of the wicked. When our wrath fell upon them, they said, oh Moses! call upon thy Lord, that he give us what to thee he promised, remove his displeasure from us, we will believe thee, and will dismisse with thee, the Children of Israel: When we delivered them from affliction, they sharpned their tongues, murmured, and violated their promises: we avenged our selves upon them, and drowned them in the Sea, for that they contemned our miracles, and we gave the West and East to the Children of Israel, who were humble before us; we gave them our blessing, our word was accomplished upon them, because of their perseverance, and we destroyed the Armies of Pharaoh. The Children of Israel having past the Sea, met with men that adored Idols, and said, oh Moses! make unto us Gods, like to the Gods of this people; he answered, ye are ignorant; these men are wretched, what they do is but ignorance and vanity; shall I desire that you worship other Gods, than God that preferred you to all the world? We have delivered you from Pharaoh’s people, who caused you to endure great torments, they murthered your children, abused your wives, and you suffered heavie afflictions for the punishment of your sinnes. We detained Moses on the Mountain thirty nights, and ten other nights, which is in all forty nights; when he went up, he said to his brother Aaron, be thou my Lieutenant, command this people in mine absence, and follow not the path of the wicked. When Moses at the time appointed arrived at the top of the Mountain, and that his