Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
white to the eyes of the Spectators. The Doctors of Pharaoh said, this man is a* Magician, he would have us to abandon our Country, what is your opinion? detaine him prisoner, and his brother, and send into your Cities, to assemble Magicians. The Magicians of Pharaoh appearing before him, they said, what shall be our reward, if we shall be victorious? He replyed to them, you shall be well rewarded, and shall be of them that approach my person. They said, oh Moses! wilt thou first cast down thy staffe on the ground, or shall we ours? Moses bad them cast down theirs, which they did, enchanting the eyes of the spectators, and terrifying them with an extraordinary enchantment; God inspired Moses to cast down his Rod, which devoured the staves of the other, and the Truth appeared above falshood, and above the vanity of their actions; they were vanquished, to their confusion, forsook their magick, and prostrating themselves on the earth, uttered these words; We believe in the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of Moses, and of Aaron; Pharaoh said to them, Ye believe in the God of Moses without my permission; this is a deceit, invented by you, to drive the people out of my Dominions; but you shall soone know the punishment that I will lay upon you, I will cut off your feet and hands, and command you to be crucified. They answered, We recommend our selves wholly to the will of God, whatsoever is thy revenge on us, thou shalt not hinder us to believe in the miracles that we see, neither to obey the Commandments of his divine Majesty; Lord give us patience, and to dye in the number of True-believers. Then said Pharaoh’s Doctors, dismisse Moses, and his people, that they may goe whither they see good, to pollute the Earth, that they may leave thee in quiet with thy Gods: He said, I will cause their Children to be slain, their wives to be abused, and I will inflict upon them a thousand torments. Moses said to his people; Implore succours of God with patience, and prayers, the whole Earth is Gods, he giveth it to inherit, to whom he seeth good: the other world is for the righteous. They said, Oh Moses! We before thy coming, desired the death of our enemies; he replyed,
Gelaldin faith Moses his hand was browne