Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
safety in their habitations, they were wretched, he abandoned them, and said, Oh ye people! I have preached to you the will of God with fidelity; I will no longer afflict my selfe with the malice of the wicked. We inflicted sicknesse and poverty on them that disobeyed the Prophets, whom we sent to the Inhabitants of Madian; peradventure they will be converted. We proved them through diseases and health, and gratified them in many occurrences, yet they said, our fathers were afflicted with sicknesse and povertie, we shall be as they, but we chastised them for their sinne, when they least considered it. Had the Inhabitants of Mecca had our fear before their eyes, and obeyed our Commandments, we had opened to them the blessing of Heaven and Earth; we will punish them, because they are impious: Some there be, that shall be afflicted in the night, when they sleep; and others, that shall be tormented by day when they sport, and recreate themselves; they believed God to be a deceiver, and are damned. God guideth into the right way True-believers, and makes them Heire of the Earth, after their parents; had he so pleased, he might have destroyed all the world, he might have hardned the hearts of the people, and no man had harkned to his word. I recount what things befell that * City, many Prophets have been sent to its Inhabitants, and wrought many miracles, yet would they not relinquish their former impietie; thus have we hardned the hearts of Infidels; they violated their promises, and we found most of them to be wicked and disobedient. We sent Moses to Pharaoh, and his people, he to them shewed miracles, which through their malice they contemned, but consider the end of those wicked men; Moses said unto Pharaoh, I am a Messenger sent from God, the God of the Universe; when I speak of God, I deliver the Truth; I am come, through his command, to tell thee, thou must dismisse with me the Children of Israel, and no longer detain them in thy dominions. Pharaoh said, if thou comest from God, and art true in thy sayings, let us see some miracles; then he cast upon the ground his staffe, which was changed into a Serpent, shewed his hand, that appeared exceeding white
* To Mecca.