Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
God, and said, Oh Salhe! Let us now see the punishment that thou didst preach, if thou art of the Prophets; at the same time, an Earthquake, with thunder surprized them, and they remained dead as carkasses in their houses. Salhe forsooke them, and said, Oh ye people! I declared to you the will of God with fidelity, but ye detest them that affect you, and give you good counsels. Remember thou how Lot spake to the people, saying, will you daily defile your selves with whoredome? and with a filthinesse that was never yet seen in the world by any your Predecessors? Will you love men better than women? will you love sin rather than piety? They said, Let us expell Lot and his family from our Citie, for that they will not contaminate themselves with us, but God delivered him out of their hands, and those of his house, except his wife, who continued with them that were punished: We caused a raine to fall upon them, that destroyed all of them. Consider the end of the wicked: We sent Chaib to the Country of Madian, he said, Oh ye people, worship one God alone, weigh with good weights, measure with good measure, and retaine nothing from your Neighbour: Possesse not the high wayes, to give terrour to the people, neither divert Truebelievers from the Law of God: Remember, that you were but a small handfull of men, and he caused you to multiply; consider the end of the wicked; If any among you embrace the faith, and others contemne it, have patience, until God judge your differences, there is no better Judge then he; Their Teachers said; Oh Chiab, we will banish thee from Madian, thee and those that are of thy faith, if thou art of our Religion; he answered, should I not abhorre your Religion, I should blaspheme against God, who hath delivered me, I will follow it, if it please God, he knoweth all things, I will recommend my selfe wholly to the will of his divine Majesty; Lord judge our controversie, thou art the best Judge of the world. Then said their Teachers to the people, if you follow Chaib, you are damned; not long after an Earth-quake, and Thunder surprized them, and in the morning they were found dead in their houses; such as belyed Chaib, found no safety