Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
follow them, and you shall see him, when you least think thereon; he protecteth the Infidels: when they commit any fault, they say, we follow the Law of our Fathers, God hath so commanded us. Say unto them, Doth God command you to offend him? Will you speak of God what you know not? He hath appointed you to do Justice, to worship him, and embrace his Law. Many shall rise again, as you have seen them; some shall be in the right way, others shall be damned, because they have obeyed the devill, and believed they were in the right way. O children of Adam, cloath your selves decently, when you shall repaire to the Temples, eat and drink what pleaseth you; be not prodigall, God abhorreth them that spend their wealth unprofitably: Say unto them, who made the prohibition of decent cloathing, when men go to the Temple to worship God? Who hath forbidden to eat of the goods that God hath given you? This is lawfull for true believers. God shall so expound his Commandments at the day of Judgment. Say unto them, God hath forbidden you whoredome, private and publike, disobedience, injustice, desire to adore any other god but him, and to speak of his divine Majesty what you know not; every one hath his predestination, and none can advance or retard it. O ye children of Adam, did not the Prophets teach you my Commandments? Such as shall fear me, and do good works, shall be delivered from affliction at the day of Judgment; and they that disobey my Commandments, that arise against the Faith, shall dwell eternally in hell fire. Who is more unjust, than he that blasphemeth against God and his Commandments? Such shall be punished conformably to the Scripture. When the Angels of death shall cause them to die, they shall say, where be the Idols that you adored instead of God? they shall answer, that those false gods have forsaken them, and shall acknowledge their Idolatry; but God shall say to them, enter into hell with the men and devils that are condemned; they shall execrate the Sects that preceeded them, and being assembled, they shall say, Lord, judge them, they seduced us, augment their miseries in hell. God shall say, we will add to their, and your pains, but you