Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
worship Adam, which they performed, except the devill, to whom we said, what hindred thee to worship Adam, when we commanded thee? He answered, I am better than he, thou hast created me of fire, and hast created man of the mire of the earth; then said we to him; depart out of Paradise, it is not the habitation of the proud, thou shalt be in the number of them that shall be laden with ignominy; the devill answered, let me alone untill the day of the Resurrection of the dead; wherefore hast thou tempted me? I will seduce men from the right way, I will hinder them on the right hand, and on the left, and on all sides, to believe in thy Law, and the greatest part of them shall be ungrateful: we said to him, be gone out of Paradise, thou shalt be abhorred of all the world, and deprived of my mercy; I will fill hell with such as shall follow thee. O Adam! dwell with thy wife in Paradise, and there eat of whatsoever shall please thee, but approach not that Tree, lest thou with thy wife be in the number of the unjust. The devill tempted them, and dispoyled their bodies of their vestments of grace; he said to them, God hath forbidden you to eat of the fruit of that Tree, that you may not be Angels, or eternal; he swore that he spake the truth, and filled them with ignominy, because of their pride. They knew their nakedness, having eaten of that fruit, and to cover themselves, took leaves of Paradise; their Lord called them, and said, Did I not forbid you to approach that Tree? I told both of you, that the devill was your open enemy; they said, Lord, we have offended thee, and injured our souls, if thou dost not compassionate us, we shall be in the number of the damned: he said, Depart out of Paradise, ye enemies of each other, you shall inhabit the Earth, untill the time appointed; you shall there live and die, and go from the earth to the day of Judgment. O ye Children of Adam! we bestowed on you vestments of graces, signs of our Omnipotency, peradventure you will bear it in minde. O ye children of Adam! beware lest the devill seduce you, as he did your Father and Mother, when he caused their departure out of Paradise; he dispoyled them of their garments, and made them know their deformity; he shall appear to you, with such as follow