Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
Job, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Zachary, St. John, Jesus, the Son of Mary, Eliah, Ismael, Joshua, Jonas, & Lot; we gratified them above the residue of the world; we elected their Fathers, Brothers, and Progenie, and guided them in the right way: Thus God guideth whom he seeth good: Men before adored Idols, and believed there were many gods; nevertheless he blotted out their past errors, when they were converted. If they slander them that have knowledge of the Scriptures, and of Prophesies, will give power over their persons to men that shall mislead them with the Infidels: Those whom God guideth, believe in the Unity of his divine Majesty. Say unto them, I require no reward for having preached to you the Alcoran, he teacheth to all the world the Commandments of God. The Jews have not honoured him as was their duty; they understood not his graces, when they said, he hath instructed the people in nothing that is profitable. Say unto them, who gave the Tables unto Moses? who instructed him in the Scripture, which they have written in Vellam, to guide and illuminate the people? They have published what pleased them, and have concealed much; they shall learn in the Alcoran what they know not, and what their fathers understood not: Say to them, God after that left them obstinate, and amazed in their errors. We have sent from heaven that Book full of blessedness, it confirmeth the Scriptures that were sent before it, to the end thou maist instruct the people of Mecca, them that inhabit about that City, and the rest of the world. Such as shall believe in the day of Judgment, believe in what is written in this Book, and shall pray to God to deliver them from the torments of hell: Who is more unjust, than he that blasphemeth against God? that saith, God hath inspired into him what he uttereth, notwithstanding he hath received no inspiration from his Divine Majestie. Who more unjust, than he that saith, he will cause to descend from heaven, things like to those which God inspired into his Prophets? When thou shalt see the wicked at the point of death, and the Angels stretching forth their hands to take their souls: say unto them, This day the torments of hell shall be the punishment of the blasphemies that yee have vomited