Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
vomited against God, and your disobedience to his Commandments. God shall say to them, you are come before us without riches, and children, naked as you were created, and have cast behind your backs the instructions which we gave you; I see not with you the Idols you adored; you are separated from each other, and have forsaken them, that you estemed on earth, should have been your protectors; God separateth the good from the wicked, as the corn from the ear, and the stone from the Date: He causeth the living to spring from the dead, and the dead from the living: behold the works of God; why will you depart from his Law? He divideth the morning from darkness, hath established night for the repose of men, and the Sun and Moone to compute ages, years, moneths, and seasons; such are the effects of Gods power, he is Omnipotent, and knoweth all things. He it is that created the Stars to give you light, and guide you in the obscurity of the earth and sea; he gratifieth with his grace, such as learn his Commandments. He it is that created you of one sole person, that gave you the earth to inhabit, and preserveth you in the world, he hath conferred his grace on such as have obeyed his Commandments, hath made raine to descend from heaven, and caused the earth to produce divers sorts of herbs, green things, and corn; he hath caused the Date to spring forth, and the Palm tree, with gardens enriched with Grapes, Olives, Pomgranets, and many fruits alike, and different. Consider how fruits encrease and multiply; this serveth for instruction of Gods Unity, to them that have his fear before their eyes: the Infidels have adored the devill, with God, who created them, and said, that God hath sons and daughters, such is their ignorance; praised be God, he created heaven and earth; how shall he have a son, who hath no wives? He created and knoweth all things, he is your God, and your Lord, there is none other God but he; worship him, he conserveth all things, he is seen of no man, and beholdeth all things, he is benigne, and nothing is concealed from him. O people, there is come to you a light from your Lord to conduct you, he that seeth clearly shall receive advantage; and he that shall be blinde, shall continue his misery; I