Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
pleasure of his Divine Majesty: Make your prayers at the time appointed, and pay tithes, you all shall appear before God at the day of Judgment, to give account of your actions. He it is that created heaven and earth. Remember thou the day wherein he said, Be thou, and every thing was: he shall reign, and at that day command an Angel to sound the Trumpet, to call to universal Judgment, the living and the dead. He knoweth the future, present, and past; is most wise, and nothing is hidden from him. Remember thou that Abraham said to his father * Azer, wherefore do you worship Idols instead of God? I perceive your family to be in manifest error: God shewed to Abraham the Kingdom of heaven, and of earth, and he was in the number of the blessed. Abraham seeing by night a most clear Star, asked in himself, if it were his God; no, replyed he to himself, my God doth not rise and set; seeing the Moone to arise, he demanded if that were his God; no, said he to himself, certainly God will not guide me to be of them that are erronious: when he beheld the Sun rising, he likewise asked, if that were his God; and when he saw it set, he said to his people, I am innocent of the sin which you commit, in adoring many gods, I wholly commend my self to his Will, who created heaven and earth, and profess his Unity: His people would dispute against him; he said to them, will you dispute against me concerning the Unity of God, who hath instructed me in the right way? I fear not your Idols, my God doth what pleaseth him, and knoweth all things, will you not consider it? How shall I fear your Idols, since you are not afraid to affirm, that God hath companions equall to him, which you have no reason to adore? If you understand the truth, who is more true, you, or I? Such as believe in God, and shall not cover the truth with a lie, shall be delivered from the torments of hell, and conducted into the way of salvation. We instructed Abraham with reasons to dispute against his people; I give knowledge to whom I see good, and exalt whom I please. Thy Lord, O Abraham, seeth and knoweth all things; we gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob his sons; we before instructed Noah and his lineage in the right way; we taught it David, Salomon, Job,
* The Arabians say, Azer is Abrahams surname, and that his father was called Terec Azer.