Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
knowledge of your sins, and shall chastise you after your demerits; he is always victorious and omnipotent. He shall send to observe your actions; and when you shall arrive at the hour of death, he shall dispatch his messengers, who shall not faile to execute his commands; the people shall repair to him, as to their Lord, he is extreamly exact to keep account. Say unto them, he shall deliver you from the darkness of the sea, and of the earth; when you shall in secret or publikely invoke him; if he deliver me, I will return him thanks for his grace: Say unto them, God can deliver you from darkness, and all other afflictions; yet say you, he hath a companion associate with him; Say unto them, we can send punishments from above, and from below; he is able to disunite, and cause you to taste a thousand miseries, which you shall bring upon each other. Consider how I shew them the effects of my Omnipotencie; they will peradventure comprehend my sayings: Those of thy Nations have rejected them, notwithstanding they are most true: say unto them, I am not your Tutor; every thing hath its time, you shall hereafter understand the truth. Depart from them that speak of our Law with contempt, until he speak otherwise; the devill would induce thee to forget my Commandments, and cause thee to sit down with the unjust: the true believers shall not regard their discourse, neither cease to admonish them, peradventure they will be converted. Depart thou from such as sport and mock at their Religion, the wealth of this World rendreth them haughty; declare, they shall be severely punished; none is able to protect or hear them but God, no ransom is able to deliver them; they shall finde the good and evill that they have committed, shall drink a liquor extreamly cold, and endure grievous torments, because of their impiety; say unto them, shall we worship instead of God, what can neither benefit nor hurt us? Shall we return on our steps to our sins, having been guided by his divine Majesty, like unto him whom the devill hath seduced? He left him dismaid, and astonished in the midst of his voyage, having forsaken his companions, that shewed him the right way. God guideth men to the way of salvation. I will wholly resign my self to the pleasure