Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
Say unto them, I told you not that I had in my power all the treasures of God, neither that I had knowledge of the future, and past; nor do affirm, that I am an Angel, I only act what hath been inspired into me; is the blinde like to him that seeth clearly? Consider what I say. I preach not the day of Judgement but to such as apprehend it, they shall find none other then God to protect them; peradventure they will fear his divine Majesty. Molest not them that pray unto God evening and morning, and that desire to see his face, thou shalt not be accomptable for their actions, neither shall they give accompt of what thou dost; if thou disturbest them, thou shalt be in the number of the unjust. We have proved men by one another; they have said among them, with derision, behold those among us, to whom God hath given his graces: doth God not know them that acknowledge his benefits? Salute with affection true believers, when they come to visite thee; God loveth civility, clemency, and humanity, and will pardon him among you, that shall offend him through ignorance, that shall repent of his error, and do good works, he is benigne and mercifull. Thus do I recount the graces of God, and discover the way of sinners; Say unto them, I am forbidden to worship what you adore, lest I should go astray from the right way. I have received from God a light, which yee have contemned; God is Judge of all things, judgeth with truth, and is most just in his Judgments. I cannot forthwith give you a sight of the torments of hell, neither of the chastisement of God, which you with so much instance require; this dependeth on his divine Majesty; had I this power, our difference would be soon at a period. God knoweth the unjust, in his power are the keyes of the future, none knoweth but he; he knoweth whatsoever is in the earth, and the sea, the number of the leaves that fall from the trees, and of the atomes that are in the darkness of the earth. There is nothing dry or green in the earth, that is not written in the Book of Light. He it is that causeth you to die in the night, and knoweth the good and evil that you have committed by day; he shall cause you to rise again at the day nominated; you all shall appear before him, he shall give you know
The poor.
See Gelaldin.