Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
the prayers of the righteous, that hearken to his word; he will give resurrection to the dead, and assemble them to receive recompense according to their merits. They have said, we believe not in the Prophet, if he shew not to us some miracle from his Lord: say unto them, God hath shewed you many miracles, but most of you do not understand them; the beasts that walk upon the Earth and the birds that flie in the Aire, are in the number of his creatures: We have not omitted to write any thing that is written in the Book kept in heaven; all men shall one day appear before God, such as shall not have believed in his Law, shall be deaf and dumb, and inhabit darkness: God misleadeth whom it pleaseth him, and guideth in the right way whom he seeth good. Say unto them, have you felt the punishment of God? Have you had knowledge of the day of Judgment? Will you invoke any but God, if you be good men? If you implore him, he will deliver you from the evils that you fear; and if it please him you shall abandon the Idols, which with unbelievers you adore. We sent our Prophets to them that were before you, when they contemned them, we sent afflictions to procure their conversion, which had not been done without the miseries that we brought upon them. Nevertheless their heart is hardned, the devill caused them to finde disobedience more advantageous, and they forgat what was taught them. When we opened the gate of happiness, they exceedingly rejoyced, and were ingrateful; but, when they thought least of it, they were chastised, became desperate, and were extirpated, for the great glory of God; Lord of the Universs, say unto them, If God rendred you deaf, blind, and ignorant, what other god then God shall restore your sight, hearing, and knowledg? Consider how I manifest my Unity; nevertheless they will not believe it: say unto them, have you had a sense of the scourge of God secretly and publikely? Hath God condemned any but the wicked? He sent not the Prophets and Apostles, but to proclaim the felicity of Paradise, and preach the torments of hell: He that shall believe, and do good works, shall be exempt from fear at the day of Judgment, and unbelievers shall be punished, because of their disobedience. Say
O Mahomet.