Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
have none other excuse, but to say, by God, Lord, we were of the number of Idolaters. Consider how they will lie, and disavow their blasphemies: some there be among them that hearken to thee, we have hardened their hearts, they will not learn the Alcoran, because their ears are stopped. When they shall hear related all the miracles of the world, and shall see them with their eyes, they will not believe until they have disputed against thee. The wicked say the Alcoran is but a lie, and Fable of Antiquity; they forbid the people to believe it, and contemne it; certainly they destroy their souls, and know it not; thou shalt see when they shall be detained in the fire of hell, they will say, would to God I might return into the world, I would obey the Commandments of his divine Majestie, and be in the number of true believers. They knew the truth, but concealed it; should they returne into the world, they would return to their impiety, they are liars. They affirm, there is none other life than that of the world, neither any resurrection; when they shall be before God, they shall acknowledge their errors, he shall cause them to feel the chastisements due to their blasphemies. Such as believe not in the resurrection, are wretched men, they shall be afflicted for their sins at the hour when ever death shall surprize them; they shall bear on their back the burthen of their crimes, and avouch the life of this world to be but deceit and vanity, and the life of the other to be full of felicity for the righteous; nevertheless the wicked are not converted. I know thou wilt be incensed against such as shall say, they desire to obey thee, and shall renounce thy Doctrin; they that contemn the Commandments of God are impious, they have belied the Prophets thy Predecessors; the Prophets endured their lies, and were patient, until we destroyed them; God declineth not what he hath promised. Thou knowest what the Prophets foretold: if men abandon thee, canst thou covet to continue on earth (to instruct them) and to be in heaven at the same time, to caus prodigies appear (testimonies of thy mission.) Had it so pleased God, he had brought them all into the right way, nor had they been in the number of the ignorant. Certainly he heareth the
O Mahomet.
See Gelaldin.