Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
therein, unless they see an Angel descend to confirm it. Should we have sent an Angel, they had perished by his presence, unless we had sent him under the Figure of a man, like unto them, and cloathed as they are. They derided the Prophets, and Apostles, thy Predecessors; derision is fallen upon such as contemned them. Say to them, go through the world, and consider the end of them that abjure the Law of God; say to them, to whom appertaineth whatsoever is in heaven and earth? it is Gods. He will imploy his mercy to save you; doubtless he will assemble all of you at the day of Judgment. Nevertheless Infidels believe not in his Unity; they consider not, that whatsoever moveth by night, and by day, and whatsoever is in the world, belongeth to his Divine Majesty, who understandeth and knoweth all things. Say to them, require you other protection then that of God the Omnipotent Creator of heaven and earth, who nourisheth all things, is nourished by none? Say to them, I have received a command to embrace the Law of Salvation. Be not ye in number of unbelievers; I fear to disobey my Lord, and fear the torments prepared for the wicked at the day of Judgment; he that shall deliver himself, shall enjoy the grace of God, which is supream felicity: If God will punish you, none shall deliver you from his punishment; if his Will is to do good to you, he is Omnipotent, always victorious, and hath all power over his Creatures; he is most wise and Omniscient. Say to them, What better testimony is there in the world then that of God? Say to them, He shall testifie between you and me, to whom he hath inspired the Alcoran to instruct you: Will any among you that shall learn it, say there is any other God, but God; I will not say so; there is but one God, and I am innocent from the sin you commit, in associating him with a companion equal to him; many of them that understand the written Law, have knowledge of the truth of the Alcoran; their children also know it, but such as forsake their own souls, will not believe in God. Who more unjust, than he that blasphemeth against God and his Commandments? Certainly the wicked shall be miserable; I will assemble all of them, and say, where are the gods which you did associate with God? They shall have