Mohammad Khan, The Holy Qurán. With Short Notes. Based on the Holy Quran, or the Authentic Traditions of the Prophet, or the Old and New Testaments or Scientifics Truths. All fictitious romance, questionable history, and disputed theories have been carefully avoided (1905)

By the same author.
The Medical Cyclopedia, English,

An extremely useful and handy volume treating the following branches of the Medical Science in a short but thorough and comprehensive manner, omitting nothing what is important and practical.

I. — Materia Medica.

II. — Pathology.

II. — Medicine.

IV. — Gynecology or Diseases of Women.

V. — Diseases of Children.

VI. — General Surgery.

VII. — Ophthalmic Surgery.

VIII. — Minor Surgery.

IX. — Hygiene.

X. — Practical Chemistry.

XI. — Medical Jurisprudence.

XII. — Physiology.

XIII. — Anatomy.

Really it is a complete Medical Library reduced to a convenient and the most useful form for every day use and ready reference.

N.B. — Apply for the works of Dr. Mohammad Abdul Hakim Khan, M. B., to the Manager, Azizi Press, Taraori District, Karnal, Punjab.

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Mohammad Khan, The Holy Qurán. With Short Notes. Based on the Holy Quran, or the Authentic Traditions of the Prophet, or the Old and New Testaments or Scientifics Truths. All fictitious romance, questionable history, and disputed theories have been carefully avoided, Rajinder Press, Patiala, Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 26 Apr. 2024: