Mohammad Khan, The Holy Qurán. With Short Notes. Based on the Holy Quran, or the Authentic Traditions of the Prophet, or the Old and New Testaments or Scientifics Truths. All fictitious romance, questionable history, and disputed theories have been carefully avoided (1905)

Holy Qurán.

Translated by
Dr. Mohammad Abdul Hakim Khan, M. B.,
Author of ‘The Medical Cyclopedia,’
‘Mufid-i-am,’ ‘Tafsirul Quran Bil Quran’,
‘Miftahul Quran’, ‘Tashkhis ul
Amraz,’ ‘Mufidul Nisa,’
‘Tazkiratul Quran,’
etc., etc.,
With short notes
Based on the Holy Quran, or the authentic
traditions of the Prophet, or the Old and
New Testaments or Scientific Truths. All
fictitious romance, questionable
history, and disputed theories
have been carefully avoided.
The great miracles and prophecies of the prophet,
Mohammad (peace be with him) have been
pointed out throughout. No efforts
have been saved to render the
translation full and
Printed at the Rajinder Press, by Sayyed Rajar Ali Shah.

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Mohammad Khan, The Holy Qurán. With Short Notes. Based on the Holy Quran, or the Authentic Traditions of the Prophet, or the Old and New Testaments or Scientifics Truths. All fictitious romance, questionable history, and disputed theories have been carefully avoided, Rajinder Press, Patiala, Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 08 Sep. 2024: