M. H. Shakir, The Holy Quran; Arabic Text and English Translation; Foot-notes by M. H. Shakir (1974)

8. And We will make your way smooth to a state of ease.

9. Therefore do remind, surely reminding does profit.

10. He who fears will mind,

11. And the most unfortunate one will avoid it,

12. Who shall enter the great fire;

13. Then therein he shall neither live nor die.

14. He indeed shall be successful who purifies himself,

15. And magnifies the name of his Lord and prays.

16. Nay! you prefer the life of this world,

17. While the hereafter is better and more lasting.

18. Most surely this is in the earlier scriptures,

19. The scriptures of Ibrahim and Musa.

Chapter 88

26 Verses

The Overwhelming Calamity (Ghashiyah)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

1. Has not there come to you the news of the overwhelming calamity?

2. (Some) faces on that day shall be downcast,

3. Labouring, toiling,

4. Entering into burning fire,

5. Made to drink from a boiling spring.

6. They shall have no food but of thorns,

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M. H. Shakir, The Holy Quran; Arabic Text and English Translation; Foot-notes by M. H. Shakir, R. A. Juma, 1615 Pech Rd., Apt. 26C, Houston, Texas 77055. Presented by World Organization for Islamic Services (WOFIS), P.O. Box No. 2245, Tehran, Iran, 1974 Edition, Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 27 Apr. 2024: http://quran-archive.org/explorer/m-h-shakir/1974?page=957