M. H. Shakir, The Holy Quran; Arabic Text and English Translation; Foot-notes by M. H. Shakir (1974)

(with her). They said: O Marium! surely you have done a strange thing.

28. O sister of Haroun! your father was not a bad man, nor was your mother an unchaste woman.

29. But she pointed to him. They said: How should we speak to one who was a child in the cradle?

30. He said: Surely I am a servant of Allah; He has given me the Book and made me a prophet:

31. And He has made me blessed wherever I may be, and He has enjoined on me prayer and poor-rate so long as I live:

32. And dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me insolent, unblessed:

33. And peace on me on the day I was born, and on the day I die, and on the day I am raised to life.

34. Such is Isa,sonofMarium; (this is) the saying of truth about which they dispute.

35. It beseems not Allah that He should take to Himself a son, glory be to Him; when he has decreed a matter He only says to it “Be,” and it is.

36. And surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord, therefore

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M. H. Shakir, The Holy Quran; Arabic Text and English Translation; Foot-notes by M. H. Shakir, R. A. Juma, 1615 Pech Rd., Apt. 26C, Houston, Texas 77055. Presented by World Organization for Islamic Services (WOFIS), P.O. Box No. 2245, Tehran, Iran, 1974 Edition, Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 27 Jul. 2024: http://quran-archive.org/explorer/m-h-shakir/1974?page=508