Fazlollah Nikayin, The Quran; The First Poetic Translation (2000)

It shall be all the same to them,
They won't become believers,

7. For Allah sets a seal
Upon their hearts and ears,
And on their eyes there is a veil;
A torment grave is to be theirs!

8. Also there are some folk who say:
"In God and the Last Day, we certainly believe",
But they in fact do not believe!

9. They are attempting to deceive
Allah and those who do believe;
They are deceiving none but their own selves,
Only they can't perceive;

10. Deep in their hearts is a disease,
And God increases this disease;
They shall be sternly punished
For their hypocrisies!

11. Whenever they are warned:
"Do not make mischief in the land!"
They say: "We're only doing good!"

12. Evil-doers are they indeed,
Though this they may not understand.

13. And when they're told:
"Believe 1 as other people have believed",

1. Be true believers.

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Fazlollah Nikayin, The Quran; The First Poetic Translation, The Ultimate Book, Inc. Skokie, Illinois, USA, Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 25 Apr. 2024: http://quran-archive.org/explorer/fazlollah-nikayin/2000?page=16