Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)
The Chapter of Thunder.
(XIII. Mecca.)
In the name of the merciful and compassionate God.
A. L. M. R. Those are the signs of the Book, and that which is sent down to thee from thy Lord is the truth; but most people will not believe. God it is who has raised the heavens without columns that ye can see; then He made for the throne, and subjected the sun and the moon; each one runs on to a stated and appointed time; He governs the affair, details the signs; — haply of the meeting with your Lord ye will be sure.
And He it is who has stretched out the earth and placed therein firm mountains and rivers, and of every fruit has He placed therein two kinds. He makes the night cover the day; — verily, in that are signs unto a people who reflect.
And on the earth are neighbouring portions, and gardens of grapes and corn and palms growing together (from one root) and not growing together; they are watered with one water, yet we distinguish one over the other as food; — verily, in that are signs unto a people who have sense.
[5] And if thou shouldst wonder, wondrous is their speech: ‘What! when we have become dust, shall we really then be created anew?’
These are they who disbelieve in their Lord, and these are they with fetters round their necks, and these are the fellows of the Fire; they shall dwell therein for aye!
They will wish thee to hasten on the evil rather