Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)
The Chapter of Hûd.
(XI. Mecca.)
A. L. R. A book whose signs are confirmed and then detailed, from the wise one, the aware: that ye worship not other than God, — verily, I am to you from Him a warner and a herald of glad tidings; and that ye seek pardon from your Lord, then turn again to Him! He will cause you to enjoy a good provision to a named and appointed time, and will give His grace to every one deserving. grace; but if ye turn your backs, I fear for you the torment of a great day.
Unto God is your return, and He is mighty over all.
[5] Do they not, verily, fold up their breasts, that they may hide from Him? But when they cover themselves with their garments, does He not know what they conceal and what they display? verily, He knows the nature of men’s breasts!
There is no beast that walks upon the earth but its provision is from God. He knows its settlement and its resting-place; all is in the perspicuous Book.
He it is who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and His throne was upon the water 1 that He might try you, which of you did best.
[10] But shouldst thou say, ‘Ye will be raised up after death,’ those who misbelieve will surely say, ‘This is naught but obvious sorcery;’ and if we keep back from them the torment to a stated generation,
1 That is, before the creation; see Genesis i. 2.