Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)
[100] It is not for any person to believe save by the permission of God; He puts horror on those who have no sense.
Say, ‘Behold what is in the heavens and in the earth! but signs and warners avail not a people who do not believe. Do they await aught but the like of the days of those who passed away before them?’ Say, ‘Wait ye then! verily, I am with you one of those who wait.’ Then we will save our apostles and those who believe; thus is it due from us to save believers.
Say, ‘O ye folk! if ye are in doubt concerning my religion, I will not worship those ye worship other than God; but I worship God, who takes you to Himself, and I am bidden to be of the believers!’ [105] And, ‘Make steadfast thy face to the religion as a ‘Hanîf 1; and be not of the idolaters; and call not besides God on what can neither profit thee nor harm thee; for if thou dost, verily, thou art then of the unjust!’
And should God touch thee with harm, there is none to remove it save He; and if He wish thee well, there is none to repel His grace; He makes it fall on whom He will of His servants; for He is pardoning and merciful!
Say, ‘O ye people! there has come to you the truth from your Lord, and he who is guided, his guidance is only for his soul; and he who errs, errs only against it; and I am not a guardian over you.’
Follow what is revealed to thee, and be patient until God judges, for He is the best of judges.