Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)
When they said, ‘O God! if this be truth, and from Thee, then rain upon us stones from heaven or bring us grievous woe!’
But God would not torment them while thou art amongst them; nor was God going to torment them while they asked Him to forgive. But what ails them that God should not torment them while they turn folk away from the Holy Mosque, though they are not the guardians thereof — its guardians are only the pious? — but most of them know not.
[35] Their prayer at the House was naught but whistling and clapping hands! — taste then the torment for that ye misbelieved!
Verily, those who misbelieve expend their wealth to turn folk from the path of God; but they shall spend it, and then it shall be for them sighing, and then they shall be overcome! Those who misbelieve, into hell shall they be gathered! — that God may distinguish the vile from the good, and may put the vile, some on the top of the other, and heap all up together, and put it into hell! — These are those who lose!
Say to those who misbelieve, if they desist they will be forgiven what is past; but if they return, — the course of those of former days has passed away 1.
[40] Fight them then that there should be no sedition, and that the religion may be wholly God’s; but if they desist, then God on what they do doth look. But if they turn their backs, then know that God is your Lord; a good Lord is He, and a good help; and know that whenever ye seize anything as
1 That is, they have the doom of former people as a warning and an example.