Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)
known any good in them, He would have made them hear; but had -He made them hear, they would have turned back and have swerved aside.
O ye who believe! answer God and His Apostle when He calls you to that which quickens you; and know that God steps in between man and his heart; and that to Him ye shall be gathered. [25] And fear temptation, which will not light especially on those of you who have done wrong; but know that God is keen to punish.
Remember when ye were few in number and weak in the land, fearing lest people should snatch you away; then He sheltered you and aided you with victory, and provided you with good things; haply ye may give thanks.
O ye who believe! be not treacherous to God and His Apostle; nor be treacherous to your engagement while ye know!
Know that your wealth and your children are but a temptation, and that God — with Him is mighty hire!
O ye who believe! if ye fear God He will make for you a discrimination 1, and will cover for you your offences, and will forgive you; for God is Lord of mighty grace.
[30] And when those who misbelieve were crafty with thee to detain thee a prisoner, or kill thee, or drive thee forth; they were crafty, but God was crafty too, for God is best of crafty ones!
But when our verses were rehearsed to them they said, ‘We have already heard. — If we pleased we could speak like this; verily, this is nothing but tales of those of yore.’
1 Here used in the sense of victory.