Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’ān with a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation (2005)
according to which He originated mankind
(There is no altering Allah’s creation;
that is the upright religion,
but most people do not know.)
31 — turning to Him in penitence,
and be wary of Him, and maintain the prayer,
and do not be among the polytheists
32 — of those who split up their religion
and became sects:
each faction exulting in what it possessed.
33 When distress befalls people,
they supplicate their Lord,
turning to Him in penitence.
Then, when He lets them taste His mercy,
behold, a part of them ascribe partners to their Lord,
34 being ungrateful toward what We have given them.
So let them enjoy. Soon they will know!
35 Have We sent down to them any authority
which might speak of what they associate with Him?
36 And when We let people taste [Our] mercy,
they exult in it;
but should an ill visit them
because of what their hands have sent ahead,
behold, they become despondent!
37 Do they not see that Allah expands the provision
for whomever He wishes,
and tightens it?
There are indeed signs in that