Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’ān with a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation (2005)
31 And: ‘Throw down your staff!’
And when he saw it wriggling as if it were a snake,
he turned his back [to flee], without looking back.
‘Moses! Come forward, and do not be afraid.
Indeed you are safe.’
32 ‘Insert your hand into your bosom.
It will emerge white, without any fault,
and keep your arms drawn in awe to your sides.
These shall be two proofs from your Lord
to Pharaoh and his elite.
They are indeed a transgressing lot.’
33 He said, ‘My Lord!
Indeed I have killed one of their men,
so I fear they will kill me.
34 Aaron, my brother
— he is more eloquent than me in speech.
So send him with me as a helper to confirm me,
for I fear that they will impugn me.’
35 He said, ‘We will strengthen your arm
by means of your brother,
and invest both of you with such authority
that they will not touch you.
With the help of Our signs, you two,
and those who follow the two of you,
shall be the victors.’
36 When Moses brought them Our manifest signs,
they said, ‘This is nothing but concocted magic.
We never heard of such a thing
among our forefathers.’
37 Moses said, ‘My Lord knows best