Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’ān with a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation (2005)
you have disputed with us already,
and you have disputed with us exceedingly.
Now bring us what you threaten us with
should you be truthful.
33 He said, ‘Allah will indeed bring it on you
if He wishes,
and you cannot thwart [Him].
34 My exhorting will not benefit you,
much as I may seek to exhort you,
if Allah desires to consign you to perversity.
He is your Lord,
and to Him you shall be brought back.’
35 Do they say, ‘He has fabricated it?’
Say, ‘Should I have fabricated it,
then my guilt will be upon me,
and I am absolved of your guilty conduct.’
36 It was revealed to Noah:
‘None of your people will believe
except those who already have faith;
so do not sorrow for what they used to do.
37 Build the ark before Our eyes
and by Our revelation,
and do not plead with Me
for those who are wrongdoers:
they shall indeed be drowned.’
38 As he was building the ark,
whenever the elders of his people passed by him,
they would ridicule him.