Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’ān with a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation (2005)
Indeed Allah is all-forgiving, all-merciful.
40 Do you not know
that to Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens
and the earth?
He punishes whomever He wishes,
and forgives whomever He wishes,
and Allah has power over all things.
41 O Apostle! Do not grieve
for those who are active in [promoting] unfaith,
such as those who say, ‘We believe’ with their mouths,
but whose hearts have no faith,
and the Jews
who eavesdrop with the aim of [telling] lies [against you]
and eavesdrop for other people who do not come to you.
They pervert words from their meanings,
[and] say, ‘If you are given this, take it,
but if you are not given this, beware!’
Yet whomever Allah wishes to mislead,1
you cannot avail him anything against Allah.
They are the ones
whose hearts Allah did not desire to purify.
For them is disgrace in this world,
and there is a great punishment for them in the Hereafter.
42 Eavesdroppers with the aim of [telling] lies,
eaters of the unlawful
— if they come to you, judge between them,
or disregard them.
If you disregard them,
they will not harm you in any way.
1 Or ‘to punish.’