Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
not such as scoffe at your Religion, who have knowledge of the written Law; obey not Infidels, and if you are good men, fear God; obey not them that deride your prayers, it is the action of those that are unwise. Oh ye that understand the written Law! will you not abhorre me, if I believe not in God, in what he hath inspired into me, and into them that preceded me? The greatest part of you are wicked. Say to them, did I instruct you to do evil, when I preached to you the effect of Gods mercy? Those whom he curseth, against whom he is incensed, whom he hath metamorphised into Apes, and Swine, and who have adored Idols, shall be confined in the fire of Hell, they are in a very evill way. When they come to thee, they will say, they believe in the Law of God, they will enter thine house with impiety, and goe forth in the like manner, but God knoweth what they conceale in their heart: Thou shalt see many of them embrace Paganisme, follow a lye, eat what is forbidden, and this to displease their Doctors, and Priests, who have forbidden them to speak lies, and eat meats that are unclean. The Jews said, the hand of God is shut, contrariwise, it is their hand that is shut, and they shall be accursed by reason of their discourse: certainly the hands of God are open, and he doth good to whom he pleaseth: Many amongst them, through impietie, and disobedience, alter what is in the Scripture; but we have cast among them hatred, and horror, even to the day of Judgment, God hath extinguished the fire which they had kindled, to make war against the righteous; they endeavour to pollute the earth, but God detesteth such as cause disorder; he remitteth their sinnes that know the Scripture, believe in his Law, and flie impiety, they shall enter Paradise, that is full of delights. They have read the Old Testament, the Gospel, and all Scriptures, they enjoyed abundance of all good things; neverthelesse many have disobeyed the Commandments of God. Oh Prophet! preach what God hath taught thee; whether thou dost preach it, or doest not, he will defend thee from the malice of men, he abhorreth Infidels. Oh ye that know the written Law! if you observe not the Old Testament, the Gospel, and Scriptures