Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
when some persons would have extended their hands upon you, and how he delivered you from their malice; Feare him, all true believers ought to resign themselves to his will. God received the promise of the Children of Israel to observe his Commandments, he established among them twelve Captains, and said to them, I will be with you when you shall make your prayers, pay your Tithes, believe in the Prophets, defend them, and shall lend to me any almes; I will cover your sinnes, and cause you to enter Paradise, wherein flow many rivers; and he among you that shall be an Infidel, shall be entirely erroneous from the right path. When they swarved from what they had promised, we gave them our curse, and hardned their heart; they have altered the words of the Scripture, and abjured what they had approved. Thou shalt not know them that shall be Traytors, except very few of them; forgive and depart from them, God loveth them that do good. We likewise received the promise of those who call themselves Christians, but they have forgotten what they promised; they have altered what was taught them, and we have cast among them enmitie and hatred, even until the day of Judgment. That day God shall cause them to know whatever they have done for their punishment. Oh ye that know the written Law! our Prophet is come to bring to light many things of the Scripture, which you conceale, and he likewise leaveth in silence many things, that it is not time to make manifest. God hath sent you a Book full of light, to conduct into the way of Salvation them that love him, to bring them out of darkness, and by his special grace, to lead them into the way of Salvation. Certainly he that saith, that the Messiah, the Sonne of Mary, is God, is impious: Say to him, who can hinder God to exterminate the Messiah, and his Mother, with whatsoever is in the Earth, when it shall seeme good to him? God is King of Heaven and earth, he created with them what seemed good to him, he is Omnipotent. The Jews and Christians have said, we are the Children of God, his welbeloved; Say to them, shall not God chastise you for your sinnes? Certainly ye are men; He that created you, pardoneth,
Coreis Enemie to Mahomet.