Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
is in manifest perdition, he will promise to men long life, and retard their repentance, but he promiseth them but a vain glory; hell is the dwelling place of such men, out of which they shall finde no issue; Such as shall believe in God, and do good works, shall dwell eternally in Paradise, where flow many rivers. God is most true in what he promiseth, who is more then God in his words? Your lies, and the lies of them that know the written Law, do him no harm; he that shall do ill, shall be punished, and shall finde no protector; he that shall do wel, and shall believe in the Law of God, shall enter into Paradise, and shall have no injustice done to him; what better law is there, then to resign thy self to God, and to be an honest man? Follow the Law of Abraham; God chose Abraham, to love him; whatsoever is in heaven and in earth, belongeth to his divine Majesty, he knoweth all things. They will question thee concerning women; say to them, God teacheth you in that, what you were taught in the Scripture touching Orphans, and women; give to them what is appointed by the Law, and desire not to espouse them, only to possess their wealth; God teacheth you likewise to give to Orphans what appertaineth to them, and not to injure them; he will understand your good actions. If a woman fear to be ill entreated by her husband, and that he will divorce her, they shall do well, mutually to accord, for peace is exceeding good. If you be too obstinate, and cannot agree together; if you do good to your wives in divorcing them, and fear to wrong them, God will take notice of your actions. If you believe you cannot keep equalitie, and justice among your wives, although you apply your selves to it; Incline not altogether to your own appetites, and leave not your wife, as a thing left in toleration. If you live in a good accord, and fear to injure them, God will be mercifull to you. If they separate themselves conformably to the precepts of the Law, God will enrich them with his protection, he is bountifull and wise, and whatever is in Heaven, and Earth obeyeth him. We have recommended to you the fear of God, as we have heretofore, to them that had knowledge of the written Law. If you be impious, know, that whatever