Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
thou how the Angels said, oh Mary, God declareth unto thee a word, from which shall proceed the Messias, named Jesus, the sonne of Mary, full of honour in this world, and that shall be in the other, of the number of Intercessors with his divine Majestie; he shall speak in the cradle, as a man betwixt thirty and fifty years, and shall be in the number of the just: She said, Lord, how shall I have a childe, without the touch of a man? he answered, so God doth as pleaseth him; when he createth any thing, he saith, be thou, and it is. I will teach him the Scriptures, the Mysteries of the Law, the Old Testament, and the Gospel, and he shall be a Prophet sent to the children of Israel. Jesus said to the children of Israel, I come to you with evident signs of my mission from your Lord, I will make unto you of the slime of the earth, the figure of a Bird, I will blow upon it, incontinently it shall be a Bird, and by the permission of God, shall flie; I will heal them that are borne blind, and the leprous, I will raise again the dead, I will teach you what you shall eat, and what you ought not to eate; this shall serve you for instruction, if you believe in God; I am come to confirm the old Testament, and what hath been taught you heretofore. Certainly it is lawfull for you to eat things that have been heretofore forbidden. I am come to you with signs of my mission, that testifie that I am truly sent from your Lord; fear God, and obey me, God is my Lord, and your Lord, worship him, this is the right way. When Jesus knew their impiety, he said, who shall sustain the Law of God in my absence? The Apostles answered him, we will substain the Law of God, we believ in his unity; be thou a witness before God, that we resign our selves wholly to the pleasure of his divine Majestie. Lord we believe in what thou hast commanded, and we have followed the Prophet, thy Apostle, write us in the number of them that profess thy Law. The Jews conspired against Jesus, and God caused their conspiracie to turn against them, he knoweth the designs of Conspirators. Remember thou, how the Lord said, O Jesus, I will cause thee to die, I will elevate thee to my self, and remove thee farre from Infidels, and preferre those that have obeyed thee, to Infidels, at the day of Judgment. That day