Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
proceedeth from the other, God knoweth and understandeth all things. Remember thou, how the wife of Joachim said, Lord, I vow unto thee the fruit that is in my wombe, free, and exempt from all affaires, to serve thee in thy Temple: Accept him from me, who offer him to thee with affection: thou understandest and knowest all things: When she was delivered, she said, Lord I am delivered of a Daughter, thou knowest thou hast given her to me; I have named her Mary, I will preserve through thine assistance, her and her posterity from the malice of the Devill; accept her Lord, with a pleasing acceptation, and cause her to produce good fruits. Zachary had the care of the education of this daughter, and whensoever he went into his Oratorie, he there found a thousand sorts of different fruits of divers seasons. He said one day, oh Mary! whence do these good things proceed? she answered, they proceed from God, who enricheth without measure whom he pleaseth. Then Zachary prayed to the Lord, and said, Lord give me a progenie that may be pleasing to thee, and that may observe thy Commandments; Lord hear my prayers. The Angels called him, and said to him; I declare to thee from God, that thou shalt have a sonne, called John, he shall affirme the Messias to be the word of God, that he shall be a great person, chaste, a Prophet, and one of the just: Lord, answered Zachary, how shall I have a sonne, I am old, and my wife is barren? The Angel said to him, so God doth as pleaseth him: Lord, said Zachary, give me some sign of the conception of my wife: The signe that I will give thee, answered the Angel, shall be, that thou shalt not speak in three days, but by signs; Remember thou thy Lord often, praise him evening and morning. Remember thou, how the Angels said, Oh Mary, God hath chosen and purified thee above all women of the world; oh Mary, obey thy Lord, praise him, and worship him with them that worship him. I relate to thee how the matter past: thou wert not with the Ministers of the Temple, when they cast in their pens to draw lots, and to see which of them should have the care of the education of Mary, neither when they entred upon this difficulty. Remember thou
See Kitab el tenior.
See Gelaldin.
Oh Mahomet.