Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
the Day of Judgment, at which day nothing shall be found doubtfull, when thou wilt not go against thy promises, and when wealth and children shall not serve to the wicked, but to kindle the fire of Hell. The Infidel lineage of Pharoah, and those that preceded him, blasphemed and abjured the Law of God, but he surprized them in their sinne; he is grievous in his chastisements. Say to the Infidels, they shall be vanquished, and shall be gathered together into the fire of Hell, that is prepared for them. You have an example in the two Troops that fought for the glorie of God, they beheld with their eyes, Infidels become true believers, like unto themselves; God strengtheneth with his aide, whom it pleaseth him; this shall be for example to such as shall clearly see. The love and desire of women, of children, of riches, abundance of gold, and of silver, of horses, cattell, and of tillage, are pleasing to men; such are the riches of the life of this world, but the most assured refuge is in God. Say unto them; I will declare unto you things much better for them, that shall have the fear of God before their eyes: they shall dwell eternally in Paradise, where flow many rivers, with women beautifull, and leane, and all manner of content. God beholdeth them that adore him, and that say, Lord we believe in thy Law, pardon our sinnes, and deliver us from the torments of fire. The patient, the persevering, true believers, the obedient, the good men, such as beg pardon of God in the morning; the Angels, the Learned, that love Justice, testifie that there is but one only God. The Law of salvation, is a Law pleasing to his divine Majestie; no man contradicteth this truth, among * such as know the written Law, but through envie. He that shall not obey the Commandments of God, shall finde his Divine Majestie very exact to call him to an accompt. If the impious dispute with thee; say to them, I am wholy resigned to the will of God, with all such as have followed me. Aske of such as know the written Law, and them that know it not, if they resign themselves to God; if they do, they will follow the right way; if they goe astray, thou hast none other obligation, but to preach to them; God beholdeth them that adore him. Declare grievous torments to those that
* The Jews and Christians. See Gelaldin.
The Jews and Christians.
The Arabians.
See Kitab el tenior.