Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
conceale them, you shall do well, that will cover many of your sins; God knoweth all your actions. You are not obliged to lead men into the right way, God guideth whom he listeth; the good and the almes that you performe, shall be for your soules; give not almes but for the love of God, you shall be rewarded for the good works that you shall do, and no injustice shall be done against you; Be benefactors to the poore, that are not accommodated for the service of God, and that cannot labour. The ignorant believe them to be rich, by reason of their probitie and goodness, you shall know them by their Physiognomie, and in that they demand nothing with importunitie; God will know the good you shall do towards them; They that give almes, by day or by night, secretly or publiquely, shall be rewarded of God; there needeth be no feare for them, they shall be exempt from affliction at the day of Judgment; Usurers shall rise again, like to men possessed with Devils, because they have said, that traffique is like unto usurie; God permitteth traffique, and prohibiteth usurie; he to whom the word of God cometh, and who hath abandoned usurie, what is past, is to himselfe, God will pardon his fault; but he that shall return to exercise usurie, having once abandoned it, shall be punished in the fire of Hell; God abhorreth usurie, he loveth them that are almes-givers, and hateth Infidels; Such as believe in God, that do good works, and that make their prayers at the time appointed, and pay their tithes, shall be rewarded by his Divine Majesty, they shall be delivered from feare and affliction at the day of Judgment. O ye that believe in God! have the feare of him before your eyes, and forsake Usurie, if you will obey his Commandments; if you do not this, God and his Prophet will make warre upon you; if you be converted, your principall remaines unto you; Do injustice to no man, it shall not be done unto you. If your debtors be unable to pay you, and are in want, you shall do well to stay their conveniency; if you give them almes, you shall do well; feare the day when you shall returne before God, and that every one shall be payed, without injustice, of what he shall have gained. O ye that believe in God!