Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
it. If you cause your children to be nursed by other women then your own wives, God will not be offended, in giving them their sallary, according to reason and honesty: fear God, and know that he seeth what ever you do. Widows shall tarry four months and ten nights after the death of their husbands, before they marry again; this time being accomplished, they shall do what shall seem good to them, according to reason and honesty, God knoweth all your actions. You will not offend God in speaking a word in secret to women that you research in marriage, although you conceale in your minde your design to espouse them, he understandeth what ever you think of them; know them not secretly, until you have pronounced the words appointed by the Law; and enter not the bonds of marriage, untill the time set down in writing be accomplished, God knoweth whatever is in your hearts: take heed unto your selves, he is gentle and gracious to them that fear him. It is no sin to repudiate your wives, before you have touched them; you shall give them some presents, and do good unto them, according to the proportion of your wealth, or poverty; and civilly intreat them, as is the custome of honest men. If you repudiate them before you have touched them, and have bestowed on them any presents of garments, moveables, and other things, they shall have the moity, if they release it not to you, or if the husband, remitting with his own hand the tie of marriage, doth not leave to them the whole, of courtesie: it is requisite to gratifie them, and to forget nothing of the benefits between you, God beholdeth all your actions: stand upon your guard, when you make your prayers, especially, that at noone, and be obedient unto God. If you fear your enemies, and cannot place your selves on your knees, neither perform the Ceremonies that are appointed you; omit not to say your prayers on foot, or on horseback, and being freed from fear, remember God, and how he hath taught you what you know not. Such as die, shall be good to their wives by their Testament; they shall bestow on them wherewith to live during the time they must tarry before they marry again; drive them not from your houses: If they willingly depart, the sin of what they