Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
impiety retaineth them in this error, and induceth them to abandon the Law of his divine Majesty, but they shall be cast headlong into the flames of hell. It shall be said unto them,behold the punishment which ye would not believe. The book wherein the good works of the righteous are written, is reserved in heaven; the Angels are witnesses, how the just shall enjoy the delights of Paradise, they shall see the emense graces of God, reposed on delicious beds, their countenance shall be covered with joy and content; they shall drink of purified wine, most savory, that shall have the odour of Musk, preserved in bottles that none but themselves shall open, and it shall be mixt with the water of the fountain of Paradise, where the Cherubins do drink. The Infidels deride the true-believers that would instruct them, nevertheless when they return to their companions, they admire their doctrine, and say, when they see them, behold the seduced, but they are not sent to be their tutors. The Infidels that shall be converted, and believe in the day of Judgment, shall go into Paradise, they shall enjoy the grace of God, they shall behold the grievous torments of the damned, that shall be punished after their demerits, and shall finde in the other world what they have done on earth.
The Chapter of the Cleft, containing twenty five Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the Name of God, gracious and merciful. The day of Judgment shall appear, when the heaven shall cleave asunder, and the earth cast men out of their sepulchres by the Commandment of God. O man! thou goest daily towards death, and shalt finde in the end the good and evill that thou shalt have done: he to whom shall be given the book of accompt of his actions in the right hand, shall be blessed, he shall go with his companions into Paradise, where he shall enjoy eternall