Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
they said, we are seduced, we are sinners; one of them said that it was requisite to praise God; then they said, praised be God, we are great sinners: they approached each other, and complained among themselves: They said, misery is upon us; we were in a great error, peradventure God will give us hereafter more then the value of what we have lost, we must beg his grace; thus God chastiseth on earth, whom he pleaseth, but the torments of the other world are much more grievous: They that have his fear before their eyes, shall dwell in gardens full of delights. Shall I intreat the good like the wicked? How can ye judg it? have ye a book, wherein you reade what pleaseth you? have we promised to you any content at the day of Judgment? Shall you have that day what ye have promised to your selves? Ask of them, who will be surety for their belief? will their Idols and companions be their surety? Let them cause them to come, if they be true: Be thou mindful of the day when sins shall be detected, and the wicked shall be commanded to worship God, but they shall not be able to behold him, their eyes shall be troubled with fear, and their sight covered with shame. They are enjoyned in the world to worship his divine Majesty, but they refuse to perform it; I will punish them by little and little, when they shall least think of it; I will defer the punishments of their crimes, because my wrath is strong; Dost thou demand of men any reeompense for thy preaching? are they charged with any expence? Have they in their power the book, wherein is the future, to write therein what they affirm? Attend the Judgment of thy Lord, and be not like him that was swallowed of the Whale. He invoked his Lord in his affliction: if his Lord had not sent him his grace, he should never have come upon earth when he repented of his sin, his Lord pardoned and placed him in the number of the righteous. The unbelievers labour to shake thee through their looks, and that through envie: they affirm that thou art possessed of the Devill, when the hear thee read the Alcoran: It was not sent but to instruct the World.