Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
The Chapter of Divorce, containing eighteen Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the Name of God, gracious and merciful. Oh Prophet! when ye repudiate your wives, repudiate them, following the ordinances and Lawes, and reckon the time that they ought to tarrie before they marry again; Fear God your Lord, cause them not to depart their houses, neither expel them before the time appointed, if they be not taken in adultery; Such are the Ordinances of God, he that shall trangress them, shall do injurie to himself, peradventure God will enjoyn something concerning them, of which ye are ignorant. When the time that they ought to tarrie shall be finished, retain, or dismisse them with civility; ye shall take persons of your Religion, honest men, that shall be witnesses of your actions, depose with truth what ye have seen; it is so appointed to them that believe in God, and the day of Judgment. God shall deliver from affliction him that shall have his fear before his eyes, and shall enrich him, when he least thinks of it; He that shall trust in him, shall not be deceived, he doth what he pleaseth, and hath appointed a prefixed time to every thing. If the women hope no more to have their moneths, and doubt that they are misreckoned, they shall tarrie three moneths before they marry again, if they be not Nurses; if they be with child, ye shall abstain till their delivery; whosoever feareth God, rejoiceth in the observance of his Commandments. What is above, is ordained of God; he shall pardon their sins, that have his fear before their eyes, and give them an exceeding great reward. Cause them that ye repudiate, to dwell in your houses, or near to you, abuse them not; if they be with childe, allow them what shall be necessary for them, untill they shall be delivered; if they desire to nurse their children, ye shall give them an honest salarie, and entreat them with civility and curtesie; if ye like not this, ye shall cause them to be nursed by another, whose pains ye shall