Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
inlarge your selves, inlarge ye your selves, God shall inlarge to you his grace. When ye are bid to rise, rise, God shall raise up all the true believers that are among you, and place the learned some degrees above others, he knoweth your actions. O ye that believe! when ye shall be disposed to deliver any secret to the Prophet, speak to him with truth, good shall befall you, and [he] shall purifie you: If ye fear to impart to him your secret, God will not give you his grace. Make your prayers at the time appointed, distribute tithes, obey God and his Prophet, God knoweth what ye do: Seest thou not them that have abandoned his Law? the wrath of his divine Majesty is faln upon them, they are of different opinion in their lye, and know not that they lye, but he hath prepared for them a great punishment, because of their blasphemies; they have concealed their faith, and are seduced; Certainly he hath prepared for them grievous pains, their Wwealth and their children shall not be able to deliver them from his indignation, they shall be precipitated into the fire of hell, where they shall abide eternally. Be thou mindfull of the day, when he will cause them to revive; they shall swear, as they swear before thee, that they believed in his Law; they affirm they do good, and are lyars, the devil hath prepossessed them, and hath made them forget the word of God; such as follow him are damned. They that transgress the wil of God, and that of his Prophet, are overcome of the devil; God hath said in the Scriptures, thou shalt not obtain victory over me, neither over my Prophet, he is omnipotent, and alway victorious; thou shalt finde none of them that believe in his Law, and the day of Judgment, that doth not exactly observe the Commandments of his divine Majesty, and those of his Prophet, although their fathers, their children, their brethren, and companions oppose them. God hath imprinted faith in their hearts, he hath strengthened them through his Spirit, and shall cause them to enter into gardens, wherein flow many rivers, where they shall abide eternally: he shall be satisfied with their obedience, and they shall be content with his grace. Such as shall obey his Commandments shall be happy.